Dear friends, for those interested in university study programs in the Oradea Department of Forestry and Forestry Engineering, today was the start of autumn admission.
Good luck everyone!
Sustainable Forest Resource Management: Economic, Social and Cultural Responsibility (9th Edition)
On June 4, 2024, the International Student Scientific event took place, where the discussions contributed to shaping the future of sustainable forest management. The event brought together experts, students and professionals in the field, creating a unique opportunity for the exchange of ideas and best practices.
The event, now in its third edition, was organized by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Oradea, together with the "Sfânta Maria" Forest Circle
Liceul Teologic Baptist Emanuel din Oradea
Să ne amintim mereu că Pământul este casa noastră, iar grija și respectul față de natură sunt esențiale pentru a asigura un viitor prosper pentru generațiile ce vin
The Eco Forest Life Association was a partner in a project to enrich the landscape by establishing alignments in Ineu Commune, Bihor County. We want to thank all partners who have shown interest and support for the planting of forest saplings. Among these partners are: the Department of Forestry and Forest Engineering from the University of Oradea, together with students and teaching staff. The Secondary School in the town of Ineu de Criș, together with the children from the 6th grade and teachers. Bihor Forestry Directorate. Sacueni Forest Bypass. And last but not least, the Town Hall of the Ineu Commune. This collaboration has helped to improve the environment and create a greener and healthier space for the community. We are glad that we were able to bring together the passion for nature and the desire to protect and enrich the local ecosystem.